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Dekoratyvinė pagalvėlė gaminama individualiai,

apmokėjus užsakymą.

GALIMI  dydžiai 45 x45 cm -atitikmuo  inčais 18 x18,

 55 x55cm - atitikmuo  inčais -22 x22

Gamybos terminas trunka apie 2- 5 dienas.

Siuntimo terminas priklauso nuo regiono

Siuntimas  į Lietuvą   gali  trukti  nuo  7 iki 12 d.dienų




The decorative pillow is made individually after paying for the order.

Production time is about 2-5 days.
Delivery time depends on the region.

Dekoratyvinė  pagalvėlė  gaminama  individualiai,

apmokėjus užsakymą. Gamybos  terminas trunka apie 2- 5 dienas. 
Siuntimo  terminas  priklauso nuo  regiono .


Decorative interior pillow  "MASCARPONE"  &"GIULFIJA" .Two side printing by UNA LUNE art .

Dress up your simplest sofa with a sumptuous and romantic throw pillow and instantly add texture, colors , good emotions to your room. A perfect solid with a little something special that makes an ideal stand alone decorative cushion or a solid foundation toss pillow to add to your pillowscape. Each pillow cover has a zipper on the cover bottom for easy removal and cleaning.
• 100% polyester case and insert
• Machine-washable case

Shipping takes: 
Europe 7-15 business days
USA 12-21 business days
Canada 14-21 business days

Svajonė & Angelas

40,00 €Price
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